Unbox your Natural State of Mind: Let the Nature of Thailand Refill your Soul

Thailand and its rich and diverse natural wonders are perfect remedies for both your body and soul. Discover a whole new world under the Andaman sea, float along a pond of Red Lotus and let the air of Bangkok’s oasis refill your lungs.

1) Explore life underwater in Koh Phi Phi

Nothing beats an adventure underwater, especially when it is down the clear blue and biologically rich Andaman sea. Snorkel your way through the endless school of fish, sea flowers and corals the color of the rainbow. Take a few dips down the world of infinite possibilities, and you might discover a new found love for a trip to the beach.


2) Get up close and personal with whale sharks in Similan Islands

Kick your beach holiday up a notch and dive with the boss of the Andaman sea. Beside mind blowing snorkeling session and a siesta under the shades of palm trees, a trip to the coast also lets you get closer with the ocean and the majestic creatures that call it home. Down the pretty surface of Surin Islands, sea turtles, friends of Nemo and whale sharks often allow eco-heart divers an intimate meet and greet.


3) Cruise from Phuket to Phang Nga and visit the village of Moken sea gypsies

The deep south of Thailand holds more than white sandy beaches and dreamy blue ocean, it is also home to the Moken sea gypsies who know the ocean by heart. Feast your eyes on the fancy tropical vista and enrich your mind with a visit to their village.


4) Rediscover your balance among the serene Red Lotus Pond

Escape the big city buzz and find your antidote on a boat in a ginormous pond with plethora of red lotus in full bloom. Topping the list of Thailand’s hidden gems, the pond guarantees both serenity and exclusivity – just the right ingredients for your path back to balance.


5) Bike along the lush nature in Bangkok’s oasis

The simplest form of nature can work wonders when it comes to recharging your energy. Right in Bangkok, a trove of natural wonder awaits to refill your lungs with fresh air and your eyes with the lush and green bike trail.

Want to chillax the Thai way? Why wait! Tourism Authority of Thailand and partners are offering exclusive deals and rewards for Singaporean visitors to Thailand this year. If this sounds intriguing to you, check out Thanks A Million for more information!

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